Our Services at Nandy’s Locs
$20 15 Minute
Large Starter Locs
2 hours 10 minutes $150.00
My technique is a Comb Coiled,2 strand twist and Crochet locs comes with more pricing To Start Your Loc Journey.
Two Strand Starter Locs Are Additional 20$
Small Starter Locs
2 hours 40 minutes $175.00
Locs Are Two Strand Twisted Comb Coiled or Crochet Locs thats the (instant Locs)come with additional fee,To Start Your Loc journey.
Medium Size Starter Locs
2 hours 30 minutes
Locs Are Two Strand Twisted, Crochet locs come with additional fee Or Comb
Coiled To Start Your Loc Journey.
Loc Repair
10 minutes $10.00
Loc Is Fixed With Crochet Needle, NO THREAD.
Locs Extention
3 hours 30 minutes
$300 to $400
If the parts are in larger, medium or smaller sizes depends the price smaller sizes $400.
Sisterlocks interlocking
3hours 30min $125
Micro locs interlocking
3hours 30min $120
Sisterlocks establishment
24 hours or more depends on time and hair inche
$750 price depends on hair inches
Micro locs establishments
24hours or more
$500 depends on hair inches